Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

30: How to Talk About Your Business with Impact and Get Your Message Across - with Mompreneur Ellie Scarborough Brett

September 24, 2015

How to answer ANY question during an interview (or not during an interview) and make people really care about your answer (and want to hear more)
How Ellie got featured on the Today Show just a month after her first business started.
Your first step in creating a video intro that gets people inspired (and makes them want to know more)
One quick business change that cut Ellie’s work hours and made her more efficient
How Ellie shifted from working 50 to 35 hours a week with the same revenue, even after her son was born.
How to take all of your ideas and important things about your business and cut it down to one short, impactful message.
What to do when you feel like shy about talking about your business.