Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

025: Baby Seller that Lived in my Basement + Niche Benefits without committing to a Niche - solo Mompreneur episode

April 21, 2015

What selling babies has to do with finding the hole in the market and taking it over.

How to sell babies...wait...just kidding!

How Gerty the baby seller found a need (people who needed their secrets kept but didn’t want an abortion) and filled it (selling babies without leaving a paper trail...aka forged birth certificates)

You don’t need to commit to a niche if you follow the roadmap of baby seller Gerty, especially if you are in a small market that can’t support a small niche.

Save time by creating a small project that feeds into your overall business

How I have generated thousands of dollars in my normally dead season

How the QUEEN of “I can’t pick a niche!” (aka me) figured out a way to get the benefits of a niche without niching. (how many more times can I say niche in a sentence?)