Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

017: Baby Einstein Founder on Naming, Targeting 2 Markets, and Selling to Disney with Julie Clark.

February 23, 2015
The evolution of (2) of Julie’s new products, how they came about, their challenges, and what she’s doing now to move them forward.


  • Naming your product and why Julie is considering changing one of the names of her product

  • Why asking for help and advice will be key to your success, and how to do so.

  • How Julie went from zero to products on the shelf in one year with Baby Einstein

  • How Julie uses a problem she has to create a product people want.

  • Julie’s advice on what to do next when you have an idea for a product.

  • Why Julie has always worked with her husband, even though her friends tell her she’s crazy.

  • The evolution of (2) of Julie’s new products, how they came about, their challenges, and what she’s doing now to move them forward.

  • How Julie has solved the challenge of having two target markets: the buyer (mom) and the user (child) and why it’s important to keep both happy.

  • Julie’s small change that has given her businesses the biggest impact

Categories: podcast, interview, business, mom, entrepreneur, mompreneur, mom business, marketing, time management, work life balance, entrepreneur, education, parenting, productivity, systems, efficiency