Crash Palace Productions 2023

Crash Palace Productions 2023

THE LAST KNOCK presents: Corona Coping

July 12, 2020

Corona Coping 

As the weeks and months drag on with a seemingly endless COVID-19 quarantine, coping with corona is a daily battle.
The Last Knock horror podcast takes a couple of moments to share our own trials and tribulations – but that’s not all! Entertainment plays a key factor in staying sane (at least for us), and that goes from books to film.
Staying Afloat

We explore the coincidences between Max Brook’s bestselling novel World War Z and the COVID-19 outbreak. And yes, we rip apart the family friendly movie that didn’t come close to the remarkable words of Brooks.
Another horror author, the wonderful Shirley Jackson gets her due. We discuss the film Shirley, starring Elizabeth Moss, and swoon over the Robert Wise film, The Haunting and how it complement’s The Haunting of Hill House.
More movie watching abounds as we look at Criterion’s War of the Worlds, ruminate as to whether drive-in theaters will make a comeback, and talk about The Goonies, Monster Squad, Night of the Creeps, and Shin Godzilla.
Tune in, forget the world for awhile, and develop some coping skills by escaping with The Last Knock.

SCREAM OUTS to these must follow souls on Twitter:

@DebbieRochon @maxbrooksauthor @palkodesigns @xxxBJFrazier @creativelyangel @jessicacalvello @shriekfest @DeniseGossett @netflix @AmazonPrime @VinegarSyndrome and Andrea, Tom, Rob, Sean, and Steve of @BantersCider and Downriver Brewery

The plot sickens: The Last Knock sits down with the amazing Debbie Rochon!  

Get your Crash Palace and The Last Knock gear!

THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast is a Crash Palace Productions’ featured show. Besides this site, you can find THE LAST KNOCK on iTunes with new shows posted every other Sunday at 9 PM ET.

Crash Palace Productions website design and creation from Brian Yount Digital Enterprises with banner and THE LAST KNOCK art from Palko Designs.

(World War Z cover from Crown Publishing Group.)