Crash Palace Productions 2023

Crash Palace Productions 2023

THE LAST KNOCK presents: Siege Horror

June 07, 2020

Siege Horror: Can You Hold Out and Survive? 

What makes horror work is bringing the fear. Yes, the uncanny and “the other” are present – but suspense and desperation also make for one hell of a ride.
In the intense sub-genre of siege horror, action and angst conspire to keep audiences on edge.
We’ve seen that in John Carpenter’s Assault on Precinct 13 to Jeremy Saulnier’s Green Room, and to the more recent VFW from Joe Begos.
But if you think those are the only horror films to play with your senses, you guessed wrong.
Dig in Deep and Hold the Line

The Last Knock horror podcast will look at films in this vital sub-genre, which span several decades.
And we’ll focus on the characters and story that conspire to keep us guessing and keep us breathless.
If you want to build a fort in your living room before giving this 337th episode a listen, feel free.
Just know that no matter what you do, it may not help you.
Hell, an attack can come from anywhere.
Even getting an ice cream cone could be dangerous…

SCREAM OUTS to these must follow souls on Twitter:

@ShannonTheron1 @MonsterSquadFX @AFiendOnFilm @PopHorrorNews @thehorrorchick @DUHDNews @GTGMcast @VincentGreene3 @JohnnyVeins @Y2John84 @DailyDeadNews @25YLSite @LynnLowry @Georgebucks10 @PatrickStewart @Halloween_75 @hcacritics @BantersCider @Fangoria @Shriekfest @DeniseGossett @1428Elm @SusanontheLedge @TheHorrorMaster @MaxBrallier @SierraNMcCormic


The plot sickens: The Last Knock ventures into Urban Horror with TraCee!  

Get your Crash Palace and The Last Knock gear!

THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast is a Crash Palace Productions’ featured show. Besides this site, you can find THE LAST KNOCK on iTunes with new shows posted every other Sunday at 9 PM ET.

Crash Palace Productions website design and creation from Brian Yount Digital Enterprises with banner and THE LAST KNOCK art from Palko Designs.

(Assault on Precinct 13 movie still from Image Entertainment.)