Craft & Character

Craft & Character

John Mark Comer on Telling the Story and the Importance of Therapy

June 02, 2020

In the first ever episode of The Craft & Character Podcast, Steve Carter and John Mark Comer talk about a sermon John Mark preached in early May entitled “Holy Uncertainty.” John Mark shares some specifics around how he builds a talk and opens up about his story, the importance of therapy, and specific practices that are helping guide him through the liminal space of 2020.

John Mark Comer lives in Portland, Oregon and pastors Bridgetown Church, right in the center of the city. Bridgetown is built on the idea of practicing the way of Jesus together. John Mark has authored several books, including The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and God Has a Name.

Want to know more about John Mark Comer or listen to the entire sermon being discussed?