Cracking the Entrepreneur Code Podcast

Cracking the Entrepreneur Code Podcast

Episode 040 – How Did Sam Fragoza Build His Wealth Using Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad Principles? - Cracking the Entrepreneur Code Podcast

July 25, 2018

In Episode 040, Jack has invited Mr. Samuel Fragoza, who is a song writer, children book author, video blogger and an all around creative. Samuel spends his time speaking into peoples lives through music, acting, and writing.  He also does a bit of acting and gets behind the camera and has been involved with production for the last two years with his company Fragoza Media. When Samuel is not on stage or in front of the camera, you can find in front of an elementary school giving a talk on learning disabilities and sharing his children's book “Josh and the Sock Army.”  Samuel will share how he builds his wealth using the principles he learned from Robert Kiyosaki's best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad.The growing up story of Sam - Ask the Right Question!"I grew up in a middle class family. My Dad was a government worker. I didn't have a best friend with a rich father giving me different advice on money.   I have never heard of a lot of the things in Rich Dad Poor Dad.  I do know when you say things like, "I can't afford that", it stops your brain from working.  You're basically shutting off your brain. You need to  figure out how you can afford something instead.  My dad had a great job with the government and made decent money.  But there were times when we said "we can't get that because we can't afford it."  And I grew up with that mentality. Rich Dad Poor Dad definitely changed my life for the better." I Emptied My 401K because it makes no sense!I emptied out my 401k because I'm looking at the returns from what I'm getting right now. I'm going to get 6 to 12% a year. Well, if I pull that out and put that into scalable things, then my return on those things are going to be much more exponential in the long run. And so I actually had a conversation with the guy who was running it. I think it was working with Charles Schwab where my 401k was and he said "you're paying a penalty for pulling this out early."  And I basically told him "I'm playing such a different game now.  I'm not playing this long game of put a little bit away and hope I have enough to retire. I already know I won't have enough to retire because people my age will need $5,000,000 to retire comfortably if they want to retire at the age of 65. Well at the rate that I'm going, I ain't going to have $5,000,000, so I'm either going to work till I'm dead or I'm going to take a shot on myself and my talents and my abilities to make money."Know What Are Assets and LiabilitiesEveryone has two columns in their life whether they want to admit they have two columns or they don't.  One of their columns are their liabilities. Everything that costs you money is a liability. Your rent, your car, your house, your food, your video games or movies that you watch, you going out to eat.  Whatever you spend money on, that's a liability. Whatever makes you money without you doing a damn thing, that's an asset. If you can figure out a way to make assets (and it didn't happen overnight), assets will start appearing. And I've pulled up all my different accounts that I have for all my different assets. I was like here's the money from this account. It's not much of the amount of money there right now, a couple hundred dollars. That's not very impressive last year. But that was the first year. Next year, I'll try to double that and once it takes off then there'll be a couple thousand dollars a year from one asset that I'm not doing anything for.  And then I got another asset and repeat the process. Samuel's Most Favourite Quote"20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.