College Prep Genius

College Prep Genius

Replay: Limited Language Limited Mind

October 19, 2018

Limited Language Limited Mind with Jean Burk and your host, Felice Gerwitz
What is the importance of a good vocabulary? How can you increase your vocabulary? What is a fifty-cents word? Or what about communicating effectively? The English language is dying and in this episode Jean shares how her children participated in writing books that contain a great story as well as some of the most used words on the SAT test - are you ready to learn vocabulary the easy way? Join us!

Jean is the award-winning author of college prep genius – the no-brainer way to get free college. She is a FOX News contributor as well as making many other appearances on television and radio networks on the topic of the SAT.



Show Notes:

* Linga-files - the College Prep novels - Here
* State of the union - no politics here
* Vocabulary and it's importance