Guild of the Cowry Catchers

Guild of the Cowry Catchers

Sky Dance - a Story about Thessalyn

January 29, 2013

Attention frustrated listeners who cannot get episodes to download. I have heard thy cries and mirrored the episodes in Dropbox. If you can’t get the feed to cough up the MP3, left click, and download it here.

Thessalyn is a gifted, blind child from a peasant family. She’s been sent to the prestigious school of Minstrels on the island of Mance, but she feels like an awkward outsider. Things seem to improve when the school loans her a griffin, Chesher, for reading and navigating. However, Chesher has her own handicap—stumps where her wings should be. One day in the library, they find an ancient book in a language that Chesher can’t or won’t read to Thessalyn. Chesher seems frightened by the mysterious book, but hums a bit of the tune at Thessalyn’s request. The haunting melody is the key that will unlock secrets from the past and change the course of both their futures.

“Sky Dance†is a 10,000-word novelette from the world of Panamindorah, related to the Guild of the Cowry Catchers series. “Sky Dance†is a stand-alone story that can be enjoyed without reading Cowry Catchers, but the story will have more meaning for fans of the series.

EDIT: The story is now available in $3 text or $5 audio. The audio cover is square and says “audio.” The text-only version has a rectangular cover and is clearly marked. Here’s text text and audio on Amazon, and here’s text and audio on Smashwords.

Music is Kevin MacLeod – Long Road Ahead Cover art is by Sarah Cloutier. Story, narration, and production are by me (Abigail Hilton).

The story was written as a contest prize for Tibbi, who created a puppet show to celebrate the launch of Book 4. The video is embedded on my Fan Art page.