Cover The Topic

Cover The Topic

Latest Episodes

Episode 20: Interview With A College Friend, Sorority Sister, And Mommy Confidant
May 22, 2017

It is exciting to have our first guest on Cover The Topic. Today, I sit down and speak with my friend Jessica, who I have been friends with for almost 20 years. We have been through many of life’s milestones...

Episode 19: Women Who Garden
May 16, 2017

Hats off to women who garden because it is really hard to make a yard look awesome. I am not a horticulturist at all and gardening is not easy or at least it hasn’t been for me.  A lot of trial and error when it comes to finding the right plants and tr...

Episode 18: Moms and Technology
May 15, 2017

Moms and Technology, Never To Old To Learn Something New. Always know what your kids are doing with technology.  As a mom with kids growing up in an ever growing digital age. It’s my responsibility to keep up with technology as...

Episode 17: Growing Old Sucks
May 11, 2017

You might not want to grow old but it happens or you hope it happens to you because the alternative is worse. People don’t like talking about it but it’s the natural progression of life. But it totally sucks. I...

Episode 16: Suburban Girls In NYC
May 08, 2017

Planning a trip to New York City in less then 24 hours. Make it happen when you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your children. Today’s episode is all about going on a trip with my 9 year old...

Episode 15: Live For Today
May 02, 2017

Welcome Ladies To Cover the Topic Podcast. We are going to talk about seizing each day to the fullest. Make every day count and start checking off those bucket list items. Always be positive because being negative will not help...

Episode 14: Walking With My Shorts Inside Out
April 27, 2017

Trying to get the acoustics for my new podcasting room has been a big undertaking. Creating the ultimate antique podcasting studio is no small task.  I’m back on track and what better way to come back to my audience then...

Episode 13: Girls That Rock
April 18, 2017

Coming back from a weekend is super hard, especially after a holiday weekend. Let’s catch up on what happened over the weekend with April the Giraffe, Kathrine Switzer the first woman who competed the Boston Marathon, and let’s look forward...

Episode 12: Videos That Keep Me Smiling
April 13, 2017

Podcast About Videos. Sometimes we can totally relate to videos we find on social media and sometimes there are videos that we can not relate to at all. This episode, we talk about videos of all kinds. Links of the...

Episode 11: You Are Famous
April 12, 2017

Mommy Podcast. You might be at a sporting event and you get video’d by a famous blogger and not even know it. Then you become famous, not really.  We had to talk about the United Airline thing because “everyone” is...