Coronavirus Education

Coronavirus Education

Ep. 15 – Coronavirus Are You Immunocompromised

April 01, 2020

Everyone on earth is “immunocompromised” to some extent. We have an immune system to battle against infection and harmful agents that surround and occupy us from pre-birth to death. We all, thus, lie on a “continuum” of health which reflect the health of compromised status of our immune system. Our goal is to educate you on what immunocompromised is, how you can determine your status, and what you can do to improve your position on this continuum. In this video we cover some introductory information on immune health and what immunocompromised means. This is important because immunocompromised people die at higher rates compared to people who are presumed perfectly healthy (note: no one is “perfectly healthy,” everyone is somewhere on the health-illness continuum). Few people, including healthcare professional, can describe or have a test for “immunocompromised” status. Dr. Lewis describes how you can assess your immune health status, what tests Harvard Medical School hospitals performing on COVID-19 patients to “risk stratify” them for medical workup and staging. These tests are only performed on hospitalized individuals. We are able to make similar tests available to anyone within the U.S.