Coronavirus Education

Coronavirus Education

Ep. 19 – Coronavirus: Dr. Mignonne Mary covers the history of high dose IV vitamin C and her current use against COVID-19

April 06, 2020

Dr. Mignonne Mary from The Remedy Room is a national leader in innovative wellness with a focus on disease prevention, nutritional medicine and IV Therapy. History: Dr. Charles Mary, Jr., her father, is a pioneer in the field of IV Vitamin Therapy and one of the first physicians in the U.S. to introduce IV Vitamin Therapy. Today: Due to COVID-19 she is working with the highest levels of the Louisiana government to train traditional doctors on the use of IV Vitamin C therapy and other nutrients to reduce the burden of chronic diseases and COVID-19 in her state. Vitamin C has randomized controlled clinical studies that show it has significant efficacy against virus and respiratory tract infection. This is contrary to conventional wisdom that attempts to claim there is no strong evidence for the action of vitamin C against viruses like the one that causes COVID-19. Watch Dr. Mary as she explains how she is using high dose IV (intravenous) vitamin C in her practice to battle the coronavirus and COVID-19 today.