Coronavirus Education

Coronavirus Education

Ep. 10 – Coronavirus Symptoms – Do you have COVID-19. No test available? Do this instead.

March 26, 2020

COVID-19 strikes the weak and sick most profoundly. Are you immunocompromised? How immunocompromised are you? How do you find out quickly and make changes to improve your immune system status. Dr. Lewis discusses the definition of immunocompromised. For example, people with cardiovascular disease die at 12 times the rate compared to healthy people. The conundrum is that half the U.S. population has heart disease but many are not aware or diagnosed (American Heart Association). One in four people with diabetes doesn’t know it (American Diabetes Association). “Ill-defined” conditions, not cardiovascular disease, if the most prevalent and costly disease in America (Peterson Kaiser report). Paragraph Being immunocompromised is the common denominator behind all chronic diseases. What does this mean to you? You have substantial risk of dying or having very severe symptoms from the SARS-CoV-2 virus because, of high probability, you are immunocompromised. Paragraph Dr. Lewis, medical scientist, discusses your risk of dying from COVID-19 based on pre-existing conditions and your “immunocompromised” status. He points you to a risk survey his Harvard and MIT team developed that helps you understand your immune system health status and what your can do to improve your resistance to COVID-19.