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CoreBrain Journal

309 Residential Insights Improve Care – McCartney-2

April 18, 2019

Residential Insights - The Quiet Revolution
We care for kids from 6 to 17 in a residential environment with a variety of problems from misbehaviors at home or school - to suicidal ideation. At Barry Robinson we set plans from the outset to help each child achieve an improved sense of personal responsibility and self awareness in a balanced, caring environment. Our teams objective: to redesign the standards for residential care.
~ Robert McCartney

Rob's Residential Insights - His Quality Care Mission

As Executive Director of The Barry Robinson Center, a short-term 72-bed non-profit behavioral health system/residential program for both children and adolescents in Norfolk, VA, Rob sets a new, exemplary standard for residential care through improved residential insights.

In this interesting episode, Rob discusses important details in the evolution of family-oriented residential care, including his innovative program to dramatically decrease physical holding and how he abolished seclusion as a means of child/adolescent management.

You will appreciate hearing Rob's report on the evolution of his programs and how he manages to keep families together even though far apart. From the time they come in, he's planning on their going home.

Ed Note: This is a republish of an earlier interview with insights about the evolution of residential care.

Rob's Most Significant Contribution

For years The Barry Robinson Center, here in Tidewater Virginia, only a few miles from our offices here at CoreBrain Journal and CorePsych, remained stuck in outdated thinking so prevalent even today in residential care facilities nationally.
That world has changed. Their programs work with clients both nationally and internationally.
Succinctly, Rob's treatment mission connects both individual/personal values with family evolution in innovated connected ways that help with the transition back home.
Rob's leadership coupled with his excellent team, as you will hear in this CBJ/309 Episode, brings an explicit, deeper, more thoughtful treatment mission to an already remarkable campus. Here he tells you why and how.
Rob's Residential Care Insights

* I woke up in Atlanta with mind-changing experience
* The opportunity to work with military families and kids
* Today 75-80% of our kids are from military families, globally
* Our non-profit status helps us add more value for their experience here
* It's not the job of residential to train the kids to be good residential kids
* How I approach the important issue of restraint and seclusion
* You have to recognize your personal stuff from the start
* How to shop for residential care

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Rob's Barry Robinson Website Connection

* The Barry Robinson Center - Norfolk, VA


Produced By Studio Center - 7 Locations Nationally












