Co-Op the Podcast

Co-Op the Podcast

We're the Couple That Games Together

May 28, 2019

The couple that games together stays together, and the Co-Op Couple discuss just that in this episode of Co-Op the Podcast. Jesse and Raven talk about their favorite ways to game with each other. Whether it's a co-op split screen or a single player RPG, this episode is all about what games we play together and how we do it.

We also give brief reviews on John Wick 3, Pokémon Detective Pikachu, and the Game of Thrones finale in this week's Hot Cakes! Which movies did we love, which ones did we love slightly less? How are we getting over the travesty that is/was Game of Thrones season 8? Listen to this episode to find out!

Co-Op the Podcast is a weekly podcast where our hosts, Raven and Jesse, discuss topics ranging from video and tabletop gaming to football and comic books. Join them every week to hear about what they’re playing, reading, and watching! Be sure to subscribe and review our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and wherever else podcasts are consumed.