Conversations with Criminals

Conversations with Criminals

Latest Episodes

Dave Courtney, Brendan and me - episode four
May 12, 2020

The day Dave Courtney's sex dungeon caught fire. Problems in Tenerife. A vulnerable adult asks for help and the lucky winners of an auction get to experience some home cooking with Dave's trademark recipe.

Dave Courtney, Brendan and me - episode three
April 29, 2020

Who killed Nigel Benn's fish? How Dave ended up with a jacuzzi that was taken from the top of an illegal drinking den. I ask Brendan a very personal question and learn about the unexpected consequences of violence. This episode is funny, interesting and .

Dave Courtney, Brendan and me - episode two
February 22, 2020

"I said to the geezer... If you want weed, just ring up and say, I want to speak to Mr Brown...And if you want steroids, just ring up and ask for Mr Muscle." In today's episode we talk about when crimes go wrong and find out how a coward survives in pris.

Dave Courtney, Brendan and me - episode one
February 11, 2020

Matt meets Dave Courtney for the first time and is surprised by everything he sees and hears. Nothing is as he expected. Dave's best friend Brendan is a coward and Matt hears about how the now deceased psycho Ray really lived up to his name by hatching a.

Martha tells a funny story
February 10, 2020

This is Martha telling a funny story at a true storytelling night. It gives you an idea of who she is and her view of life. I will be posting a proper chat with Martha talking about being attacked and what she did about it, very soon...

Moscow Part 1 - Давай
February 06, 2020

Matt went to Moscow and the person he planned to meet with was suddenly unavailable. Then he met today's guest...

Conversations with several criminals (plus Martha)
October 27, 2019

Clips that didn't quite make the final edit of the podcast for various reasons. Plus a brief clip of Martha. A range of conversations from intruders, stupid crimes, criminal damage, acid dealing and money laundering in Casinos.

Military prison
October 20, 2019

“You can only get a bollocking if you're listening.” This was the advice given to Kevin Gleeson who went to Military prison. We talk about how he went from being last at cross country in school to joining the Royal Marines. He talks about life as a marin.

The animal
October 13, 2019

Today's guest talks very honestly about anger and rage, or as he put it "the animal inside me". He was sent to prison and when his fellow inmates found out who he was, they attacked him repeatedly. He fought back time and time again and was sent to 15 di.

Respect Samoan Bloods
October 06, 2019

James Nokise was a junior gang member in New Zealand. In today's episode, he talks about gang culture and about joining a gang. He explains why he joined and why he had to leave.