Gino Goss

March 17, 2013

It was definitely my pleasure to have Mr Gino Goss join me on Conversations.

I have been a fan of his music since his first CD Almost Famous. Gino Goss is the kind of musician that plays from the heart. Various Tracks from Almost Famous can be heard globally. Gino is currently working on his sophomore CD. There have been three singles released from that as yet, unnamed project, Kalimba Dreaming, Night In Rio and Funk It Up.


Gino has been nominated six times and is a four time winner of the Indie Music Channel Awards, including Producer Of The Year 2012. Gino’s unique sound and style will leave you with a silky, sexy, smooth and mystical feeling.


Gino has decide that he wants to collaborate with other musicians from around the world, I think that if Voodoo Magic and Egyptian Drifter are any indication, we have some beautiful and historic music to look forward to.

Take a listen to the interview posted below and then connect with Gino on Facebook, keep up with all he’s doing by subscribing to his blog and most importantly add his beautiful music to your personal collection.