Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 15 Krugman Calls for Housing Bubble, Tries to Weasel Out of It, Then Blames Capitalism
December 26, 2015

This one is a doozy. Krugman called for low interest rates in 2001 precisely to stimulate housing, even calling for a housing bubble (this was "a joke," he later claimed). Now he says the artificial stimulus to housing had to do with crooked Wall Street s

Ep. 14 Krugman's Climate Hysteria Refuted
December 19, 2015

The Paris agreement on climate may have saved civilization, says Paul Krugman. The usual fact-free analysis then follows. But as you know, Paul Krugman is the bologna, and Contra Krugman is the slicer.

Ep. 13 Krugman's Lame Defense of the Obama Economy
December 11, 2015

Krugman says the economy isn't really so bad! And the good parts are due -- of course! -- to what little Keynesian policy the stupid American rubes have permitted. You think he's going to get away with that, with Contra Krugman around?

Ep. 12 Krugman Wants Less Regulation; Our Podcast Is Wearing Him Down
December 04, 2015

Krugman correctly identifies one of the reasons housing is so expensive in New York. What else could the explanation be if not the salutary influence of Contra Krugman?

Ep. 11 Ignore the Bad News About Obamacare! Everything Is Fine!
November 27, 2015

This week Obamacare got some terrible news: rising premiums, lackluster enrollment (which is why the pool is sicker than anticipated), and major losses being suffered by insurance companies participating in the Obamacare exchanges. These are problems, Kru

Ep. 10 Terrorism Creates Jobs
November 21, 2015

Krugman's commentary on the Paris attacks is partly correct, with the usual nonsense thrown in. Even better his is blog post earlier this week, assessing whether there might be good economic effects from the terrorist attack if the French government spend

Ep. 9 Is Conservative Rhetoric Making White Men Kill Themselves? Krugman Thinks So
November 14, 2015

On the one hand, Krugman says we really don't know why mortality rates for middle-aged white men have been on the rise. On the other, it's probably because of his political opponents. We have a much more plausible explanation for this rise, and it isn't

Ep. 8 Does the Economy Perform Better Under Democrats?
November 06, 2015

This week, Paul Krugman claimed that the economy does better under Democrats, and that the wild growth promises of "free market" Republicans never materialize. Without being water carriers for either party, we set Krugman straight -- after all, that's wha

Ep. 7 Obamacare Is a Big Success, Says Krugman
October 31, 2015

Says Krugman this week: poor Mitt Romney. Now he wants to take credit for paving the way for Obamacare, but the rubes in the GOP will rip his head off. But Mitt is right, says Krugman, and in any event the Affordable Care Act has been a great success! Non

Ep. 6 Enough About Denmark Already: Here's What Krugman and Sanders Left Out
October 23, 2015

Is Denmark a good model for the United States? Krugman thinks so, and claims the large welfare state there, combined with that country's prosperity, disproves free-market claims about the impoverishing effects of heavy government spending and intervention
