Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 25 Krugman Says: You Racist Republicans Paved Way for Trump
March 05, 2016

Bob and Tom use Krugman's column as a springboard from which to try to come to grips with the Trump phenomenon. Krugman does get a bit of it right this week, as it turns out, but whom are you going to look to on this, Krugman or Bob and Tom?

Ep. 24 Krugman Attacks Bernie; Bernie's Supporters Hit Back
February 26, 2016

Paul Krugman criticized Bernie Sanders again last week, arguing that the numbers in his economic proposal don't work. In particular, he went after economist Gerald Friedman of the University of Massachusetts, arguing that his projected growth figures are

Ep. 23 Krugman: You're Stupid If You Oppose Stimulus
February 19, 2016

We couldn't pass up this column, called "On Economic Stupidity." If you want to rein in the Fed or not run deficits during a recession, you're just stupid. Here's our reply.

Ep. 22 Fear Balanced Budgets and Sound Money, Warns Krugman
February 13, 2016

Krugman accuses Establishment man John Kasich -- of all people -- of supporting hard money. Then he tells us that balancing budgets hurts depressed economies. A tone-deaf understanding of American politics, plus old-fashioned Keynesianism -- that's Krugma

Ep. 21 Did the Financial Crisis Occur Because the Fed Was Too Timid?
February 06, 2016

Krugman evaluates the claims of market monetarists, who blame the Fed for the crisis because its policy was allegedly too timid. Krugman doesn't agree (and on that he's correct!), and he also finds it weird that "free-market" economists would say the Fed

Ep. 20 Government Water Supply Is Contaminated? Don't Blame Government, Urges Krugman
January 29, 2016

You'll never guess how Krugman apportions blame for the polluted water fiasco in Flint, Michigan. Wait, you probably will. Bob and Tom exonerate libertarianism in this episode!

Ep. 19 Enough About Inequality Already; Here's the Truth
January 22, 2016

Krugman wonders how rich "we need" the rich to be. A strange question, but you know the answer: less rich than they are now. We're then treated to a lecture on income inequality. We don't like lectures. Is this the best episode yet of Contra Krugman? Tom

Ep. 18 Krugman on China: No Matter What Happens, He's Proven Right!
January 15, 2016

This week's column is classic Krugman. No matter what happens, he can claim to have predicted it. Or when a country obviously follows his advice, he finds some loophole on which he can blame the ensuing disaster. In this column Krugman discusses the rece

Ep. 17 The Dramatic Consequences of American Elections, and Yes, We're Being Sarcastic
January 09, 2016

Krugman reassures progressives that Barack Obama really has had some accomplishments. Think of how radically different America would be under Mitt Romney! Top marginal tax rates might differ by a few percentage points, and Obamacare might have been slight

Ep. 16 George W. Bush Was for Small Government, Says Krugman
January 02, 2016

Krugman says the GOP presidential candidates have all embraced the radical, anti-government views of George W. Bush. First, we were speechless. Then, we recorded an episode of Contra Krugman. Lew Rockwell joined us this week.
