

Show 103 – 4×03: Power Hour

September 22, 2015

Several characters are having to embrace their destinies in Power Hour, and some relationships are suffering because of it. But what is it that Marcellus and his gang are really building? Should Kiera have let Garza blow it up? Would that have changed the tragic end to the battle?

Join us for show news, sci-fi news, episode analysis, nitpicks, predictions, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Julian's second guessing, Alec's new job, Carlos' dilemma, Kellog's threats, and the death that shook us to our core!

What are your thoughts on the latest episode of Continuum? Email us using the link at the top of the page, leave us a message on our SpeakPipe, or call 773-LIBER88 (that’s 773-542-3788). And while you’re at it, why not take a few minutes to leave a rating and review in iTunes?