

Show 100 – 3×13: What Struck Me About Perspective

September 03, 2015

All good things must come to an end - we've had a blast! For our season three rewatch, Dave and I have been recording short discussions for all 13 episodes, and we're finished releasing one each day as the premiere is finally here! For each mini-podcast, I've been sharing with you a highlight from our analysis: a comment from Dave and one from me. Here's what we remember about ep. 313 "Last Minute."

DAVE: "What really comes out here is the fact that [Brad] came back to clean up Liber8's mess, and that hits them really hard. I think it hits Travis harder than anybody."

MIKE: "Carlos actually goes to Julian - against his character kind of - for helping to investigate Piron and Halo's issues because Julian is supposed to be sort of like the conscience of the company and is not really actually doing a very good job at it."

If you're doing your season three rewatch as well, remember you can always go back and listen to our original podcast about this episode, Show 085, or visit our Podcast Archives.

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