

Show 099 – 3×12: What Struck Me About Death

September 02, 2015

The body count is high in this episode, and our rewatch is helping us get our bearings. As we continue the Continuum Countdown, Dave and I have a few more short discussions, and we're releasing one each day up until the season four premiere. For each mini-podcast, I'll share with you a highlight from our analysis: a comment from Dave and one from me. Here's what we remember about ep. 312 "The Dying Minutes."

DAVE: "They plant a virus that's gonna cause HALO users to experience unbridled fear, and just that little test - wow, that was pretty powerful."

MIKE: "Now Sonya gives him the information: We're from the future! I mean, she spells it out for him, finally! So hopefully that will inform him moving forward."

If you're doing your season three rewatch as well, remember you can always go back and listen to our original podcast about this episode, Show 084, or visit our Podcast Archives.