

Show 095 – 3×08: What Struck Me About Awakening

August 29, 2015

Kiera has really switched sides, and we lose one of our favorite characters in this episode! For our season three rewatch, Dave and I recorded short discussions for all 13 episodes, and we're releasing one each day up until the premiere. For each mini-podcast, I'll share with you a highlight from our analysis: a comment from Dave and one from me. Here's what we remember about ep. 308 "So Do Our Minutes Hasten"

DAVE: "How ballsy Kellog is! He immediately thinks Chen is going to kill him and with good reason. and then he turns it into a situation to his advantage, which is basically what Kellog always does."

MIKE: "I was thinking, 'What's going on? So many corporate connections and it's hard to keep track of them!' And I felt much more confident about understanding what was going on during the rematch here."

If you're doing your season three rewatch as well, remember you can always go back and listen to our original podcast about this episode, Show 080, or visit our Podcast Archives.