Continuing Mission: A Star Trek Fan Films Podcast

Continuing Mission: A Star Trek Fan Films Podcast

Continuing Mission 22: I’ll Do It If You Add More Tyranny

September 07, 2014

Shadows of Tyranny. The Mirror Universe, despite being visited only eight times on screen—with most of those on Deep Space Nine—is a fan favorite. The classic episode "Mirror, Mirror" has been hard to top in terms of sheer fun and intrigue, but TOS never told us what happened once Mirror Kirk returned to the ISS Enterprise. That story has been left for novelists and screenwriters to pick up on the fan side, and many have done so with fascinating takes on the Terran Empire. But while the story has been told before, there are always new ideas to be explored. In this episode of Continuing Mission we're joined by Mathieu Blondin and Sebastian Prooth to learn more about their upcoming audio drama, Star Trek: Shadows of Tyranny, which picks up where "Mirror, Mirror" left off as it tells the story of how Spock goes on to lead the Empire.