Contending for Truth by Dr. Scott Johnson

Contending for Truth by Dr. Scott Johnson

End Time Current Events–2-21-16 – Part 1

February 22, 2016

Table of Contents:
• Scalia murdered? Sealed his fate 4 days before his death? Four days before he died, Supreme Court Justice Scalia voted to stall Obama’s plan to force drastic climate-change rules on the American economy. The vote was 5-4. With Scalia now gone, the vote would be 4-4. With a new Obama Supreme Court appointee, if Obama could ram his choice through, the vote would be 5-4 in the President’s favor.
• Justice Scalia Dies At Ranch Resort Owned By Democrat Party Donor & Obama Award Winner
• Antonin Scalia’s Death Could Mark End of Constitution
Barack Obama 'Thrilled' Over Justice Scalia’s Death--Scalia famously blasted the Obama administration for such critical acts as Obamacare, illegal immigration, states rights, and executive authority.
• Obama Spends Less Than 2 Minutes At Scalia’s Wake
• Obama WILL NOT ATTEND Scalia funeral

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-21-16

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