Dialsmith Podcast

Dialsmith Podcast

Podcast: Talking DR with Fern Lee and Tom Shipley

September 09, 2019

On this episode of the Engagious Podcast, I talk with two of the biggest names and trailblazers in the DR business: Fern Lee, CEO of Thor Associates, and Tom Shipley, co-founder and CEO of Atlantic Coast Brands. Fern, Tom and I discuss some of their secrets of success in building multi-million dollar brands and how they’ve been able to evolve with the times and the tech to stay ahead of the curve.
In this conversation, we discuss:
@4:18  Tom’s origin story for Keranique
@6:39  Fern’s keys to engaging consumers 
@9:44  The impact of influencers
@11:38  Customer touch points and the journey
@15:30 Segmenting for success
@18:39 TV is not dead
If you liked this episode, I also recommend that you check out another DR-related conversation I had with Rick Cesari, the marketing mind behind the Juiceman Juicer, OxiClean, and the George Foreman Grill.
Thanks for listening and I hope your time spent with our podcast has brought you value. If you have any comments or suggestions on who would be great for us to talk with in future episodes, please reach out to me at david.paull@engagious.com or on LinkedIn. We’d love to hear from you.
Until next time, #BeEngagious