Dialsmith Podcast

Dialsmith Podcast

Podcast: JoAnn Schinderle, Engaging Audiences IS A Laughing Matter

July 18, 2018

When thinking about a well-rounded group of guests for this podcast, talking with a successful improv and stand-up comedian made perfect sense. After all, if they can’t quickly engage an audience they’re sunk! Having been named Portland’s Funniest Person and starting her own successful comedy showcase, I really wanted to talk with JoAnn Schinderle and thankfully she said yes.
In this conversation, JoAnn and I talk about:
@7:25  How to engage an audience and get them on your side right out of the gate, or get them back if you start to lose them
@13:45  How to engage an audience in written, video, and audio form when they’re not right in front of you
@15:50  How to use storytelling principles when crafting content
@24:00  How to use humor to engage with an audience on topics that aren’t funny
If you liked this episode, I also recommend that you check out my conversation with Harris III where, among many other things, we discuss changing people’s attitudes and mindset in order to change their actions.
Thanks for listening and I hope your time spent with our podcast has brought you value. If you have any comments or suggestions on who would be great for us to talk with in future episodes, please leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you.
Until next time, #BeEngagious