Consumer Ledger | Personal Finance Podcast

Consumer Ledger | Personal Finance Podcast

Latest Episodes

Is Leasing a Car the Right Way to Go?
July 08, 2015

Is a lease, in the words of Dave Ramsey, a fleece? Or is there a good reason for you to lease a car instead of buying it outright? - Today Gene and Jay debate the wisdom of leasing a car as opposed to financing.

5 Smart Ways to Save for College
July 01, 2015

When you've got a family going through the educational system, you're probably worried about college. - There are so many options it's overwhelming. - That's why most people don't think about saving for higher education until it's a year or two away.

11 Ways to Go on Vacation Without Debt
June 24, 2015

Summertime, and the living is easy. - The days are longer, the pace is slower, and we all want to get away for awhile to enjoy a vacation. - The problem is that vacations are expensive, and it's tempting to pull out a credit card and pay it back over...

Is Bankruptcy A Viable Solution For Seniors In Debt?
June 17, 2015

How bad is the debt problem for senior citizens? - According to some reports, nearly 1-in-10 senior citizens pays 40% of their monthly income to creditors. - With health care costs that rise as Americans age and most living on a fixed income,

5 Steps to Go from Bad Credit to Good Credit
June 10, 2015

When you've got bad credit, the effects spill over to other aspects of your life. - You can have a tough time getting a place to live, a car loan, and a mortgage. Your ability to get car insurance may also be limited. -

Take These 4 Steps Before Rebuilding Your Credit
June 03, 2015

  - Do you look at your credit score and see nothing but your past mistakes continuing to haunt you? - Do you wish you could improve your credit score so you'd be able to qualify for a better interest rate on a car, mortgage or personal loan? -

How To Improve Your Credit Score In 6 Simple Steps
May 27, 2015

What's the way to improve your credit score so easily that anyone can do it? - There are six steps - no more, and no less. Follow those steps and you're all set. - It's not easy, but it sure is simple. -