podcast – Consulting and Professional Services Radio

podcast – Consulting and Professional Services Radio

Looking Back - Looking Forward - Episode 50

October 09, 2013

Looking Back
In this episode Lew and I look back over the previous 49 episodes of this podcast sharing some thoughts on the genesis of the program based on my narration of Lew's Book, Consulting 101: 101 Tips for Success in Consulting and some of the recurring themes that have come up in our consulting conversations.

One of the most common themes has been Lew's point that 'Consulting isn't for everyone'. Even though this theme is covered from time to time, these two episodes tend to capture the essence of the issues:
Fears of Consulting
What I love About Consulting
While the above episodes tend to be focused mostly on experienced consultants, the following episodes were the most popular with recent  College graduates or those new to consulting:
Managing your Consulting Career
5 Good Reasons Why Consulting is a Great Career
The Consulting Case Interview
Consulting Defined    - Our most downloaded episode!
At the other end of the statistics spectrum, we noted these couple of episodes as being the least popular. The content is relevant to the Consulting profession in all cases but for some reason listeners didn't consume as many episodes. This leads us to wonder was this an issue with the title of the episode, the timing / time of year or some other factor. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Here are our least downloaded episodes:
The Importance of a Thick Skin for Consultants
Balancing Firms Standards with the Clients
Protecting Client Confidentiality
We talked about some of our favorite episodes which were:
Social Media in Consulting - This is a subject that Lew and I are both very interested in and will likely re-visit in future episodes. It plays into the episodes mentioned below and the Mentoring  subject covered later in this article.
Developing a Professional Network - Another subject of passion and timeless in respect of the core methods that professionals need to apply to building relationships. This episode talks about the importance of relationship building and long term commitment to networking.
Sales as a Consultant - We are all sales people. Regardless of your position in the firm, you are always a representative of your firms capabilities, professionalism, service etc. In essence whenever you are in front of the client you are 'selling' your firm. This is another subject that I'm sure Lew and I will cover again in future episodes.
Our Favorite Books - Part 1 - Part 2 - Lew and I swapped thoughts early in 2013 on some of our favorite books that apply to Consulting and business in general. It was difficult to limit this to a concise list and it could have gone on for much longer. We split this into two episodes with some direction to a great collection of 'must reads'.
Again,  we welcome the involvement of others in this podcast, if you have some expertise to offer on any of these subjects or for that matter anything related to Consulting or Professional services, please Contact Us or leave a Voice Message using the tab on the right hand side of our website at CPSRadio.com
Looking Forward
Lew shared some thoughts on some of the upcoming subjects we will discuss in future episodes; Managing your career, Better Communications, Project Management and a collection of other, personal and professional growth subjects. I've been an advocate of spoken-word audio for many years as a means of motivating yourself or getting out of a slump by listening to basic messages about business and professionalism. The experience that Lew and I bring to these podcasts is based on more cumulative years than we are prepared to admit, and in many cases its obvious, your have heard it before but our intent is to help remind you of some of these basic truths that help make you a better and more productive and effective professional. As in Lews' Book,  most of the messages we discuss in the podcasts apply to any professional business environment, not just consulting,