[the] Mindful Soul Center

[the] Mindful Soul Center

An Interview with Yoga At Your Desk's Megan Nolan Of Vitality Wellness Maui

February 20, 2020

The Mindful Soul Center Podcast Interview with Megan Nolan of Vitality Wellness Maui. Megan specializes in teaching people how to do yoga at their desk! She is a yoga teacher and personal trainer and gives us the dirt on active sedentary, sitting disease and the benefits of proper posture and breath.
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The Mindful Soul Center was created as a hub for life long learners who want to evolve and grow to live with less stress, more consciousness, less anxiety, more peace and more joy. We’re dedicated to producing thought-provoking media and creating tools you can use to help make the journey lighter.

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Amy Adams, author of Gratitude Shmatitude: Don’t just think it, do it!, is the founder of The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space.) The Mindful Soul Center is a publishing and media company that produces Mindful Soul Center magazine a bi-monthly magazine with 6 issues per year and The Mindful Soul Center podcast. She is a creative entrepreneur and hosts The Mindful Soul Center, a talk show distributed as a podcast. The show connects with a variety of people - practitioners and experts in wellness, meditation, yoga, and more. Guests share their expertise and what they've learned with others so we can hear stories and learn together. Be inspired, get motivated and have a listen!