Connected Comedy

Connected Comedy

Connected Comedy Podcast Episode 44: Building A YouTube Audience

August 21, 2013

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On the “riding solo†episode of the podcast, Jordan Cooper welcomes Tim Schmoyer from Video Creators to talk about how comedians can go about building a fan base and developing a niche community on YouTube, why it’s much more than a place to put your stand-up sets, and how personality and establishing a human connection are key for success on the platform.

In addition, we discuss the difference between podcast and YouTube audience demographics, how to discover other creators in your niche, repurposing your material for the new medium, why your webcam or smartphone camera is good enough to get started, titling your videos for reach versus retention and the importance of consistency, consistency, consistency.

Links from this episode:

The Secret To Building Your YouTube Audience


Making YouTube Sustaintable – Jason Calacanis

1000 True Fans

Optimizing Video SEO for Reach vs. Retention

90-9-1 Principle

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