Confidence Bytes

Confidence Bytes

How To Reinforce Your Confidence Foundation

July 24, 2016

CB002 - How to Reinforce Your Confidence Foundation
Having Confidence is one thing…
Keeping it, making it unshakeable in the face of anything is another. In this exciting episode we look at simple exercises you can do right now to start reinforcing your confidence foundation.
As you know, buildings with strong foundations can last forever but others, like the leaning tower of Piza in Italy were built on shaky ground. And, despite their magnificence they start to lean and crumble. Your confidence is no different…
So, what you are going to discover is how to build an even stronger confidence foundation that you can build upon and will help you stay confident forever.
Are you ready for that? Great! Let’s start listening.

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CB002 - How To Build A Stronger Confidence Foundation
Hi there! Its Stuart here from Double C Coaching and I want to welcome you to another exciting episode of confidence bites where we talk confidence and I give you confidence building tips every week. Now, here I don't know if you remember last week, but we started laying the foundation for your confidence. And that was talking about how you ‘can’ if you really believe in yourself and getting you to commit to doing, to writing your ‘I AM GOOD’ sheet.
Now, here's a sample of my ‘I AM GOOD’ sheet and I hope you’ve got yours handy, because I want you to look at it for few seconds, right this moment. So grab it, take it out of your pocket and look at it. Read it, “I can walk, I'm good”, “I love animals, I'm good”, “I love people, I'm good”; all these things, just do it quickly for a few seconds. And put a smile in your face because smiles help you build confidence.
And what we're going to do today is we're going to expand on this ‘I AM GOOD’ sheet. We're going to start reinforcing your foundations, so you can be confident everyday. So along the same principle, a piece of paper, blank piece of paper, ‘I CAN DO’. Okay. Just think about all the things that you can do and you weren't born being able to do them.
When you were born: you couldn't walk, you couldn't ride, you couldn't speak; but you learnt to do them. And if you look over your life, over the past wonderful years of your life, you will realise that you have learned so many things and that you can do so many things. So this is the next episode 100 things “I CAN DO”. Why is that important? Because you know you've done something that you've learned, it means you can learn again, you can do more. There is no such thing as I can't do that. It's a question, I don't know how to do that, yet. But I can learn, because I've learned so many things.
You know, a few years ago when I first moved to China, I wasn't really into -- into computers. I didn't have an email address, I didn't have a Skype address, I didn't have anything. I didn't know how to… I was scared of computers in some ways. This is only 10 years ago, well, actually I've lived here 13 years now. So this is about 10 to 12, 13 years ago. And you know what I did? I got a computer from the school I was working at. I got my first email address with Yahoo.
I signed up for free and I started learning there and then because, you know, phoning from China to the UK were my family was, it was expensive. I got Skype. I learned how to use Skype.
Now, 10, 12, 13 years later I can program basic websites, I can use WordPress,