Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar #136 – Fingerbang the Lego

November 29, 2015

With a title like, “Fingerbang the Lego” do you honestly need a full list of what the three of us talked about? The start of the show explains everything, I promise. John talks about Namor’s brutal death in the upcoming new Squadron Supreme series (whoops spoilers), Clay Mann changing up his art style for the Poison Ivy mini-series and Hasbro’s Investors Day “Transformers/Micronauts” toyline coming in 2016. Burnard reveals who is playing Negan on AMC’s The Walking Dead, Supergirl switches around a few episodes because of the Paris attacks and more details from the set of season 2 of Agent Carter. And after Matt was done fondling his newly purchased minifigs, he talked about Star Wars merchandising overload, casting news