Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar #131 – Our Fantastic 4 1/2″ Episode!

August 22, 2015

 Yes folks, you read that right. We’ve got 4 1/2 inches for you, so lay back and we promise to be gentle with this episode. We promise you’ll only feel a little prick. And I’ll probably be reprimanded for taking that joke a bit too far. But I don’t care, come at me bro! Anyways, we started the show by spending way too long on Fox’s Fant4stic reboot, but I feel like we covered all the bases and there is hope for the Marvel Cinematic Universe including them in “Phase 4″, fingers crossed. Detective Comics is losing someone and we sorta have too much fun with the person’s last name (because we’re terrible). Burnard unloads all the Berlantiverse news and