Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar #130 – John Goodman is a 2…

August 10, 2015

Before your friendly neighborhood podcasters flipped through August's Previews Magazine, which an argument about this year's DC Comics Halloween variants took place, we gave our thoughts on the Ant-Man movie and alternate ending. John informs us about the upcoming Hercules post-Secret Wars series and how the writer wasn't allowed to make the mythological character bi-sexual. Matt unloads all the Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man and Civil War News from the past couple of weeks. And beside giving poor John Goodman a 2 out of 10 on a certain scale (pic is a hint), Burnard delivers all of the Arrow, the Flash and Supergirl casting news. Be sure to tell us whatcha thought about this episode, good or bad, and we'll read it on the air.