Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar #126 – Valiant is the Devil!!!

June 06, 2015

The three of us start off the month with June Previews, which leads us to the title of this episode. Burnard told us that after only three months of going live, DC's "Infinite Crisis" video game is going the way of the dodo, the One Million Moms' (actually only about 10,000 members) petition against Fox's upcoming "Lucifer" television series and Man of Action Entertainment is working on a new "Mega-Man" animated series for 2017. Actually doing his show notes beforehand, according to John all of Marvel's "Secret Wars" issues are being pushed back several weeks, the United Nations hiring people to work on a comic book and a small list of SDCC's Exclusive thingies. And finally, Matt (for some reason) has a lot of info about TMNT 2 and Batman car surfin' the Joker and Harley's vehicle in Toronto. We hope you enjoy the show, folks!

PS: Here are a few links concerning SDCC goodies and DC's after "Convergence" previews.