Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar 120 – No Duck Boners

March 16, 2015

It may not be a mile-stone episode, but we've reached 120, folks! Burnard starts the show off with a least 6 new cast members added to CBS's Supergirl series and more "Blackwashing". John admits to reading John Lewis' March: Book One graphic novel, a month after Black History Month, but has nothing else to bring to the show. We also cream our geeky-pants about the third and hopefully final Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer and Matt nitpicks it. Then we delved into March Previews: IDW's Disney comics are confusing us, all the Secret Wars and Battleworld tie-ins, Archie Comics final issue and a few games, toys and other things we can't afford. And finally, John (and the internet) crushes Matt's dreams of a "unique" Halloween costume too.