Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar 119 – Offending Everybody

February 26, 2015

First off, fair is fair. Burnard has his bathroom selfie (though he denies it) as does Matt. So this time, it's John's turn with the John.  (Don't understand? listen to 117)

Then we talk about comic news. Doctors Who coming this summer. MCU adds Spider-Man. Younger Nightcrawler cast in upcoming X-Men flick. Deadpool film updates. Neill Blomkamp's next film will be an Alien sequel. Invader Zim returning in Comic form? Mentioned Ghostbusters board game, Animal-Man omnibus and Eaters of the Dead novel. 'Supergirl' Casts Mehcad Brooks As Jimmy Olsen. (How old is he?) *LOL* Matt has never seen a black ginger, Rachael Taylor Cast as Hellcat for AKA Jessica Jones, Red Ranger murderer. We talked about The Flash and Grodd. Settlers of Catan has been optioned for a film or series. How's that going to work? Doug Jones coming to The Flash as deadbolt. Ragman is the Jewish Spawn, Terry McGinnis is now Star-Lord in the GotG animated series. What voice guys do you love or hate?