

Latest Episodes

The Mission of the Church
October 07, 2011

Compass #3: Moving the scene from layering bricks to working for social justice. Discovering our mission as the Church and implementing our practices. Fr. Vazken Movsesian, Executive Producer at accepts the shift from the Hitchcock role to McM

Desire and Denial
October 01, 2011

Compass #2: Continuing the spin, Linda Zadoian explores the path of faith and spirituality by way of Armenian Orthodoxy. Desire and denial lead to discussions and insights on a Costco nation and recycling Christ’s love. Swapping materialism for idealism

Premiere Episode of Compass
September 22, 2011

Compass #1: With this premiere episode of Compass, Linda Zadoian gets behind the mic and begins a straight-talk quest into faith and spirituality through Armenian Orthodoxy. Exploring the corporate church, the loving church and everything in between, she
