Community Bible Lawrence

Community Bible Lawrence

Latest Episodes

The Final Judgment, Part 2
September 08, 2013

Some people want to talk about hell too much. Others want to completely ignore it. There needs to be a proper balance: somewhere between “hell-mania” and “hell-phobia”. The Bible tells us a lot about hell and judgment. We can’t ignore it. If we

The Final Judgment, Part 1
September 01, 2013

H-E-double hockey sticks. It's so common to hear it in every day language. They don't even bleep it out of TV shows anymore. And the people who use the word most don't seem to believe its real. Few people want to talk about it, but Biblical Christians mus

Marriage Worship
August 25, 2013

Marriage is easily one of the most important decisions we will make in our entire lives. Nothing promises more grief if we make poor choices regarding marriage. But, the opposite is just as true: Nothing promises more joy and satisfaction—outside our re

The First Resurrection (Revelation 20:4-6)
August 18, 2013

How many people throughout history have stood by a coffin and wished more than anything that their father, mother, sibling, child or friend would wake up? How many have abandoned their faith in God because when they prayed for a loved one to live, God did

The Millennium - Part 2 (Revelation 20:1-6)
August 11, 2013

God has promised a future kingdom—the Millennial Kingdom—that will be on Earth but heavenly. The land will flourish. The people and even the animals will be at peace with each other. People will still reproduce, but sickness and disease will be a thin

The Millennium - Part 1 (Revelation 20:1-6)
August 04, 2013

Man has often dreamed of a perfect world. A world with no war, no famine, no crime, no corruption. Many have merely written about such things. Others have actually tried to build them. But one factor has always corrupted man's utopias: Man himself. The Bi

Armageddon (Revelation 19:17-21)
August 02, 2013

It's quite possible the world will have numerous "world wars" between now and when Christ returns. But the Bible predicts a war like no other will take place at the end of this age. The truly amazing part of the prophecy is how it will end—the Lord, Jes

Honoring God at Home and in the Church
July 27, 2013

How can Christians, as a people belonging to God, show His goodness to others? On June 2, David Barfield shared from 1 Peter 2 regarding God's will for our relationship to civil government and employers. He emphasized our calling to honor God as we respec

July 14, 2013

What comes to your mind when you hear that word: "forgiveness"? Whose face comes to mind when you read the Biblical commands to forgive? In our daily lives as Christians, in order to maintain our fellowship with Christ and commune with him through prayer,

How Then Should We Live?
July 07, 2013

It's an enormous question—one that every person will struggle with repeatedly throughout his or her life: How should I live my life? For a Christian, the answer is simple. We are Christ followers. We are "in Christ". We should live as Jesus lived. We sh