Comics Squared with Magen Cubed

Comics Squared with Magen Cubed

Episode #6: Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles

March 02, 2015

Welcome to Comics Squared with Magen Cubed, Episode #6. This week me and my meat-shield Blaine are joined by our good friends Will and Ian as we take a trip down memory lane to discuss the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In a stunning lack of foresight, we get drunk and rewatch the classic 1990 TMNT and compare it with the recent 2014 reboot. Listen to our sanity crack as we attempt to critically analyze movies about giant anthropomorphic turtles! (And actually do a fair job of it, no less!) So sit back, relax, and pop open a cold one, because it's time to talk about some nerdy business.
Here's to crime!