Comics Squared with Magen Cubed

Comics Squared with Magen Cubed

Episode #3: Sick Day

February 05, 2015

Welcome to Comics Squared with Magen Cubed, Episode #3. This is my new podcast about comics, movies, TV, news, and whatever else that pops into mind. This week me and my meat-shield Blaine struggle through illness, Nyquil blackouts, and an ambush by my dog Cecil to bring you the latest news and comic book reviews. Our topics include Netflix's Daredevil teaser trailer, John Wick, Dying and The Dead #1, Nameless #1, and C.O.W.L. #8 from Image Comics. So sit back, relax, and pop open a cold one, because it’s time to talk about some nerdy business.
Here’s to crime!