Comics Squared with Magen Cubed

Comics Squared with Magen Cubed

Episode # 1: Protocast or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Battle World

January 23, 2015

Welcome to the first episode of Comics Squared! It’s my new podcast about comics, movies, TV, news, and whatever else that pops into mind. This week, while perpetually ill and braving the horrors of my first week back to school, me and my young ward Blaine talk about our favorite recent releases, as well as our pulls for the week. We also discuss the news (and general confusion) surrounding Marvel’s upcoming Secret Wars event, as well as the buzz about the possible X-Files reboot. So sit back, relax, and pop open a cold one, because it’s time to talk about some nerdy business. (You may want to send the kids to bed, though, because this show is intended for grown-ups.)
Here’s to crime!