Comics.Community Podcast

Comics.Community Podcast

Best Smelling Books: FCBD 2016 (Episode 56)

May 16, 2016

Episode 56 of the Comics Community Podcast features panelists Mitch, Rafael, Alec, Darrol, and Phil your host as they discuss the best in comics and pop culture for the week of May 16th, 2016. Show notes after the fold:
In This Episode of the Comics.Community Podcast…
0:00:01 Introductions
This episode, panelists Mitch, Rafael, Alec, and Darrol join Phil your host to discuss:
0:02:15 Recent Comic News
Items in comic book and pop culture news that recently caught our attention include…

* Supergirl television series moves to The CW
* Booster Gold movie confirmed
* Syfy orders Krypton pilot
* Comic-Con HQ Beta launches
* Assassin’s Creed trailer released
* Adult Swim news includes Samurai Jack and Walking Dead(!)
* Squirrel Girl
* Ben Afleck joins Justice League as Exectutive Producer
* Does Captain America qualify for back pay?

0:14:10 Comics Worth Reading (FCBD 2016 Edition)
Our panelists’ favorite Free Comic Book Day selections included…

* Captain America 1 FCBD 2016 Edition (Marvel)
* Lady Mechanika 0 FCBD 2016 Edition (Benitez Productions)
* Civil War II FCBD Edition (Marvel)
* Dark Horse Serenity Hellboy Aliens FCBD 2016 Edition (Dark Horse)
* Stan Lee`s The Unknowns – Howard Lovecraft FCBD 2016 Edition (Arcana Studio)
* Mooncop: A Tom Gauld Sampler FCBD 2016 Edition (Drawn and Quarterly)

0:30:00 Free Comic Book Day 2016 Recap
Our panelists discuss the highligh ts of FCBD 2016 and announce the winners of their first-ever FCBD Raffle!
0:36:00 Topic of the Week
Double-Feature Night at the Movies – This week our panelists discuss Batman vs Superman and Captain America Civil War.
1:00:15 Comics in our Future
Wondering what new comics to watch for in the next few weeks? Our panelists share what’s topping their pull lists.
1:03:25 Last Minute Fun
Episode 56 Cover Gallery
This episode’s recommended reading includes…
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