Comics.Community Podcast

Comics.Community Podcast

May 2016 Previews (Episode 55)

May 09, 2016

Episode 55 of the Comics Community Podcast features panelists Maggie, Jason, and Phil your host as they discuss their favorite picks from the May 2016 Diamond Previews catalog – featuring items coming this July! Show notes after the fold:
In This Episode of the Comics.Community Podcast…
0:00:01 Introductions & Housekeeping
This episode, panelists Maggie, and Jason join Phil your host to discuss the latest Diamond Previews catalog highlighting comics arriving this coming July, 2016.
Play Along at Home
Page along with us – If you don’t have the paper version, view the May 2016 Comics Listings on Comixology.
0:02:20 May 2016 Previews Highlights
Our panelists browse the Month 2016 Previews catalog for highlights coming to stores Monthx2 from these publishers:

* 0:03:20 Boom! Studios
* 0:06:20 Dark Horse Comics
* 0:15:30 DC/Vertigo Comics
* 0:20:10 IDW Publishing
* 0:23:45 Image Comics
* 0:31:55 Marvel Comics
* 0:33:15 Misc Indies and Merchandise

0:42:50 Last Minute Fun
Episode 55 Cover Gallery
Look for these May 2016 Diamond Previews publications…
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