Comic Crypt

Comic Crypt

Latest Episodes

Comic Crypt | Ep.13 – Let It Snow
February 09, 2017

Kirika is easily is easily twice as macho as Jay and feildmouse are put together. This episode is more Marvel then you might be able to handle, and we were going to call this the “Marvelous” episode… but “Let It Snow” felt more appropriate… or just fun...

Comic Crypt | Ep.12 – 20 Minutes Of Blood Talk
February 02, 2017

It’s our bloodiest episode yet! Podcasts are the perfect medium for gratuitous gore… Oh! And we talk a little it about comic books…

Comic Crypt | Ep.11 – Not Everyone Farts
January 22, 2017

The episode title is misleading.. X-23’s identity crisis, how hard is it to do an American accent, and the tragic reality of animal self awareness.. We really did try our best to avoid talking about Star Wars. Brought to you by AudibleTrial.

Comic Crypt | Ep.10 – Those Who Can Not Sith, Stormtroop
January 16, 2017

When both Marvel and DC leave you feeling jaded and unsatisfied, what’s there to do? Talk about STAR WARS that’s what!

Comic Crypt | Ep.9 – One Comic And Back To Blow Jabs
January 09, 2017

It’s finally happened, Comic Crypt is now a Star Wars podcasr.. Not really.. But we do talk about lazy origins for new characters, Captain Hydra is one of Marvel’s best moves, and another new Comic Crypt tagline!

Comic Crypt | Ep.8 – Featuring: Asher Cantrell
December 29, 2016

Long time friend of the show Asher Cantrell enters the Crypt to chat about his new book Other Gods. Find more from Asher: Weird Shit Blog Other Gods

Comic Crypt | Ep.7 – Winnie the Pooh and A Boy Named feildmouse
December 17, 2016

Oh man, it’s our first Comic Crypt hostful! That’s right, our very own Kirika Yashida has jumped on mic turning your favorite Diabolical Duo comics into a Terrifying Trio! It’s content overload this week from the only comic book podcast you’ll ever need.

Comic Crypt | Ep.6 – Impressively Racist
December 12, 2016

2 things happened in comics this last week… and that’s about it. With a lack of any noteworthy comics to talk about this week, the boys turn to talking about superheroes with hot bods… and yes, they’re all dudes.

Comic Crypt | Ep.5 – feildmouse and his Xs
December 02, 2016

feildmouse gives us a taste of what’s to come from Marvel’s upcoming Mutant event…. Plus some other stuff.

Comic Crypt | Ep.4 – No Soliciting
November 23, 2016

Lets take a look at things to come from MARVEL, and a little bit from DC… HA!