Comic Bastards - CBMFP

Comic Bastards - CBMFP

CBMFP 250: A Dog In This Race

September 04, 2016

We reached 250! Whip your dicks out, you veens out, whatever you got down there and give it a tug or a flick in celebration for the CBMFP reaching 250! Now if you're done being gross, we have comics to talk about. Stan Lee finally tells us who he thought was a terrible, horrible, no good casting for one of his characters, followed by Squirrel Girl getting her own TV show called New Warriors. Not to be outdone, DC announced a Black Lighting TV show in the works! Marvel also announces a bunch of fucking monster books that are sure to sell well in October and is the direct market for comics broken and in need of some blowing up? Oh and we talk about The Tick again... because fuck you 250! We do what we want!

Books reviewed on this episode:

Boo: The World's Cutest Dog #1
The Great Divide #1
Goodnight Punpun vol. 1-3
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5
Tomboy #7