Comic Bastards - CBMFP

Comic Bastards - CBMFP

CBMFP 249: They Still Had Feet

August 29, 2016

Well kids, it's another week and another week of audio problems. Thank Google fucking Hangouts for this mess, the messy turds. At any rate, we have a special guest on this week as we welcome Patrick Larose to the show! He's brought a dozy of a question for us to answer, but first we start off with news because that's how we roll. Bryan Singer says that Legion is connected to the X-Men movie's timeline and that's weird stuff. Rob Liefeld is bringing Youngblood back again and hey... the title should tell you everything. Doctor Strange underwent some comedic rewrites and we'll talk about what the possibly means for the movie along with some more comic movie related news.
Books reviewed on this episode:PrincelessRom: Space KnightSeven to Eternity #1Hadrian's Wall #1