Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar Podcast

Comics Radar #145 – Hail Hydra, Nick Spencer!

June 27, 2016

Looooong over due, but here’s episode #145. We’re sorry, June’s been hectic for our little podcast and July looks about the same. Unfortunately, it’s the only one we’re recording this month too. If I can remember correctly, we bid farewell to Burnard, since the previous episode was his last. Greg Berlanti confirms that he’s working on a Booster Gold film and that Supergirl will be filming in Canada, instead of California. That Nick Spencer is ruining comic books by making Captain America an agent of Hydra. Disney abruptly cancels the Disney Infinity video game, even though it’s the number one selling “figure-based” game. Oh yeah, we also went over June Previews, almost forgot that little tidbit! Let us know whatcha