Comedy CriminalsComedy Criminals

Comedy CriminalsComedy Criminals

cc7 Open Rehearsals and Improv

February 01, 2015

When is a rehearsal really an audition for an improv troupe?  When it's an open rehearsal.  And it makes sense; newbies get a chance to try their chops in a non-threatening, fun situation, get to know the more experienced performers, and see if they like improv-ing enough to come back.

In this episode, we welcome Ian Crighton, Todd Lucas and Steve Leininger, members of Main on Main Improv Troupe of Syracuse, Indiana, winners of last year's Comedy Criminals Improv Festival and Competition.  The gang talks about open rehearsals, their value, and finishes off with a rousing game of "Walks Into a Bar."  Join the fun!